Monday, January 8, 2018

Write in to Get On the E-mail List!

Now that it’s 2018, the 50-year reunion in 2021 doesn’t seem very far away, does it?
We set the date of April 10, 2021 as THE DAY. Serious planning must begin. Involvement of as many of our classmates as we can get, EARLY in the process, will help create a success.

Facebook has been great for getting us back in touch with one another, and it’s a nice platform for discussion. I’m sure we’ll keep using it a lot as we plan reunion activities. But, unfortunately, it doesn’t reach a lot of our classmates. We’ve learned that some folks prefer e-mail, and some even like snail mail. And we’ve learned that some don’t want to be bothered.
We have a good start on an e-mail list after our 45-year activities and with additions made in the time since then. The planning committee set up a gmail account dedicated to class reunion activities, and it's still active:
We’ll soon start communicating about the reunion using e-mail from that account. If you don’t know whether your address is on our list, write to us there, and we'll make sure it is.

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